Thursday, June 25, 2009

Black and Decker CMM1200 Cordless Electric Lawn Mower Review

Hello Readers,

I have another excellent review for you tonight. It’s been a great summer so far and I’ve gotten a good corn yield this year! I’ll be testing some of that home grown corn tomorrow night at my first “barbecue slash get together”. I really wish I had a banner that said that, would make me so much cooler. Anyway, the Black and Decker CMM1200 Cordless Electric Lawn Mower is one of the more popular electric lawn mowers on Amazon.

I really don’t know why this electric lawn mower is as popular as it is. There are better options out there, pretty much any of the Neuton Electric Lawn Mowers offer more power and options, albeit for a higher price tag, but there are some cost effective Neuton Electric Lawn Mower models if you look and read my reviews.

However, there are some things I do like about the Black and Decker CMM1200 Electric Lawn Mower, for instance it can mow about a 1/3 acre worth of lawn on a single battery charge. That’s quite a bit and should be just enough staying power to get through anything you would be buying this lawn mower for. (For bigger lawns I definitely recommend a traditional gas mower. Yes, they take more maintenance, but you can’t beat the power they deliver!)

The Black and Decker CMM1200 does come up a little short in a few areas. First of all, the battery takes forever to charge. It will take as many as four hours to get a 70% charge and you’ll have to wait a whole extra day to cut your lawn if you want to charge the thing all the way. Well, maybe not if you start cutting your lawn at sunrise, but still 5 hours or more to charge a battery is simply way too much! Also, I don’t like the short cutting height range. I’m just the kind of guy that likes extra options just in case I need or want to do something different. Options are good!
Over all, this is a great lawn mower if you have a small lawn for a condo or an apartment or something, but it’s definitely not for people like me that have a huge backyard to mow. Simply put, great for small lawns, bad for large lawns.

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